My black lab female,Moana, seems to experience remorse after she misbehaves.
Hi, I completed the dognition assessment with our female black lab, Moana, and thought it was very interesting. She turned out to be an ACE. I wanted to know what you had to say about our dog who puts herself in time-out after she misbehaves. We started putting Moana in time-out (in her crate) when she was a puppy to correct misbehavior. Now 6 years later, when she occasionally sneaks food off the kitchen counter (usually when we're not at home), we come home to find her in time out. It doesn't take long to find the evidence of her misbehavior. I am a behaviorist on Maui and Moana is a certified therapy dog and comes to work with me most days. She is super empathetic and my patients adore her. I'm wondering what you would have to say about her apparent remorse, after the fact.
Thanks for your response.