All articles
AKC is just one of many organizations recognizing pure-bred dogs. What about the UKC (United Kennel Club) or the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club)?
Are there refunds?
Can Dognition help my dog behave better?
Can I get started right away? Will you ship anything to me?
Can I interact with my dog during the countdown? (Memory Delayed Cup Game)
Can I play alone? Do I need a partner?
Can I practice the games before I do them with my dog?
Can I retest my dog?
Can I sit down during the wait? (Memory Delayed Cup Game)
Can I sit for this test? (Empathy Eye Contact Game)
Can I use a leash for more control during the games?
Can I use a toy in these games? (Empathy Eye Contact Warm-Up & Game)
Can I use a toy in this game? (Communication Warm-Up)
Do I have to do this at my own house?
Do I tap my foot? (Communication Foot Pointing Game)
Do you auto renew memberships?
Does it matter if I play the games outside or inside?
Does it matter what time of day we do the games?
How can I subscribe or unsubscribe to Dognition updates?
How can I tell that my dog has eaten the treat? (Cunning Cover Your Eyes Games)
How can I tell that my dog has eaten the treat? (Cunning Turn Your Back)
How do I add additional dogs or a membership to my account?
How do I cancel my monthly membership?
How do I clear my browser cache?
How do I find my Browser version?
How do I find my Operating System version?
How do I point? (Communication Arm Pointing Game)
How do I record the results from each game?
How do I set my dog's profile page to private?
How do I take a screenshot to include in a Feedback/Support ticket?
How do I update my browser?
How do I use a toy in this game? (Communication Arm Pointing Game)
How do I use toys in these games? (All Cunning Games)
How do I use toys in these games? (All Reasoning Games)
How do I use toys in these games? (Memory Games)
How do I use toys in this game? (Communication Foot Pointing Game)
How does Dognition help me work with a trainer?
How is Dognition funded?
How long should it take me to play all the games with my dog?
How should I play the games?
How should I point? (Memory vs. Pointing Game)
I bought the Assessment. How do I get started?
I forget my password. How do I retrieve it?
I have an older dog, can he/she still play the games?
I have two dogs. Can I play the games with them at the same time?
I made a mistake in scoring one of the games, can you reset it for me?
I see an error message when trying to play a video. Why?
I submitted incorrect data. What should I do?
I'm curious. Where can I get my dog's DNA tested?
I'm stuck. The submit button doesn't work.
Is there a time limit for completing the Dognition Assessment?
My browser or mobile device is not supported. What should I do?
My dog has dietary challenges that make treats a problem. Is that OK?
My dog has high anxiety. How should we proceed?
My dog has high anxiety. How should we proceed?
My dog has high anxiety. How should we proceed?
My dog has mobility issues. Will we be able to finish the Assessment?
My dog has mobility issues. Will we be able to finish the Dognition Assessment?
My dog has sight / hearing / stomach issues. Is Dognition right for us?
My dog has sight issues or is completely blind. Can we participate?
My dog is hard of hearing. Is that a problem?
My dog is quite old. Will the Assessment still be appropriate?
My dog is quite old. Will the Dognition Assessment still be appropriate?
My dog is still a puppy. Can we learn from the Assessment results?
My dog is still a puppy. Can we learn from the Dognition Assessment results?
My dog just walks to me and can then see behind the paper. Is that a problem? (Physical Reasoning Warm-Up & Game)
My Dog's Cunning results seem inaccurate.
My left or my dog's left?
Questioning Yawning game
The paper won't stand up. What should I do? (Physical Reasoning Warm-Up & Game)
The videos are small and hard to see. What can I do?
The videos are stopping and starting while they are playing. What’s going on?
Trainer Program
Volunteer Work
What browser versions are NOT supported by the Dognition site?
What browser versions are supported by the Dognition site?
What cups do I use?
What do dog trainers think of Dognition?
What do I need to play through the Dognition Assessment?
What do you consider a "Cross Breed"?
What do you consider a "Popular Hybrid"?
What does a STOP look like? (Empathy Eye Contact Game)
What does AKC Registered mean?
What does fixed mean?
What happens if I make a mistake while I am hiding the treat?
What happens if my dog comes straight to me instead of making a choice? (Communication Warm-Up)
What happens if my dog keeps looking to me for the treat?
What happens if my dog won't come near the cups?
What if a fire truck goes by outside and distracts my dog?
What if a game asks my dog to do something that runs counter to the training he/she has had?
What if I am doing this without a partner? (Memory vs. Smell)
What if I don't usually say NO but instead I say .... (Cunning Watching Game)
What if I put the treat on the wrong side? (Communication Warm-Up)
What if I'm having trouble balancing during this game? (Communication Foot Pointing Game)
What if my dog always goes to the left/right? (Memory 2 Cup Warm-Up)
What if my dog doesn't like its eyes being covered? (Memory vs. Smell Game)
What if my dog doesn't make a choice? (All Reasoning Games)
What if my dog doesn't pay attention during these games? (Empathy Yawn Warm-Up & Game)
What if my dog doesn't want to play the games?
What if my dog doesn't want to wait? (Memory Delayed Cup Game)
What if my dog goes for the treat as soon as my partner lets go? (All Cunning Games)
What if my dog has a sensitive stomach or is on a diet?
What if my dog is smelling the ground a lot? (Memory 1 Cup Warm-Up)
What if my dog just comes to me? (All Reasoning Games)
What if my dog just smells my hand? (Communication Arm Pointing Game)
What if my dog just smells my hand? (Memory vs. Pointing Game)
What if my dog manages to get the treat when he choses the empty cup? (Memory 2 Cup Warm-Up)
What if my dog sees me move the treat? (Memory vs. Smell Game)
What if my dog stops choosing? (Memory 2 Cup Warm-Up)
What if my dog wanders off? (Cunning Watching Game)
What if my dog won't eat the treat? (Communication Warm-Up)
What if my dog won't go to the cups at all? (Memory 1 Cup Warm-Up)
What if my dog won't look at me or the treat? (Empathy Eye Contact Game)
What if my dog won't sit? (Empathy Eye Contact Warm-Up & Game)
What if my dog won't stay? (Empathy Yawn Warm-Up & Game)
What if my dog's breed is not listed in any of the dog breed lists?
What if the process of moving the treat makes noise? (Memory vs. Smell Game)
What is Citizen Science?
What is Cognition?
What is Dognition?
What is the Dognition Assessment?
What is the purpose of saying "yellow" in this game? (Empathy Yawn Warm-Up)
What mobile Operating Systems are supported by the Dognition site?
What screen or display resolutions are supported by Dognition?
What treats do I use?
When do I turn the cups upside down? (Inferential Reasoning Game)
When I click on any PDF document on the site, the PDF is not displaying.
When I load the site on my computer, it looks like the pictures and text don’t fit on the page and go off the edge of the browser. What’s going on?
When I load the site on my computer, the images and text seem to be overlapping. What’s going on?
When should I look for a yawn? (Empathy Yawn Warm-Up & Game)
Where can I change or update my email address?
Where can I edit my dog's information?
Where can I edit or update my account information?
Where can I learn more about Dognition?
Where can I purchase Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods' book - The Genius of Dogs?
Where do I look while I point? (Memory vs. Pointing Game)
Where do I look? (Communication Arm & Foot Pointing Game)
Who can play the games with my dog?
Who is Brian Hare?
Why am I covering my hand while I hide the treat if my dog can just see it after I move the paper? (Inferential Reasoning Warm-Up)
Why are Pit Bulls not listed in the breed list?
Why are there so many trials in the games?
Why can't I download the PDF report?
Why can't I upload a photo with my iPhone/iPad?
Why do I always move from the right to the left? Isn't that affecting my dog's choice? (All Reasoning Games)
Why do some of the images look only partially loaded on the site?
Why do you want to know if I have had my dog's DNA tested?
Will my dog's age make a difference?